Who are we?

At Green House Adviser we believe that by inspiring people to start greenhousing and helping them along the way, we can make the world a little bit greener, one garden at a time. It’s our mission to help them make the right decision when buying their greenhouse and accessories.

Right now we have a large greenhouse and provide ourselves with our own homegrown fruits and vegetables almost year round and we want to share our information with you and help you discover the joys of cooking with your own ingredients. This blog is a work in progress and we will keep adding new information and inspiration to it. We hope you too will discover the fun of growing your own ingredients in your garden.


As seen on

What do our product tests involve?

We read consumer news to keep up-to-date on the latest appliances hitting the market. We also look at consumer reviews to identify common faults and areas for improvement, as well as what stands out more generally as something customers really want us to improve! Once we’ve outlined some important aspects (the “things most customers want improved”), we go ahead and get one of each appliance so that we can conduct tests in our own home.

Our Publication Process

Our content cycle begins with a team of experts providing deep analysis on what will resonate best with our audience. From there, the editorial team dissects that data and collectively come up with topics Green House Adviser readership will find valuable.

The editorial team decides on the headline, framing, and publication date for each article, which is then compared to our annual editorial calendar to ensure timely publication for events and holidays.

The articles are then assigned to our team of writers, all of whom are experienced, knowledgeable, and professional experts in the industry.

The editorial team works closely with authors to ensure insight (including expert commentary) is properly sourced and attributed. If the article discusses specific products, the editorial team works with each author to ensure the items chosen have great reviews and are widely seen as products people want to read about.

When the author completes their work, all articles go through a 3-step editorial process to ensure tone, formatting, and visual assets adhere to our guidelines. The editorial staff then schedules the article for publication.

Who are the people behind Green House Adviser?

Adam Patterson

Adam is a writer who specializes in product reviews and how-to guides for greenhouses. He has been writing about this topic for over 10 years and has extensive experience in the field. He has written for numerous publications and websites, and his work has been featured in magazines such as Greenhouse Gardener and Greenhouse Management.

Rosanna Bowen

Rosanna is a product reviewer and how-to guide writer for greenhouses. She has been writing about greenhouses and related products for over 3 years. She has a degree in horticulture from Penn State University and has worked in the greenhouse industry for over 6 years.

Nora Mcnally

Nora is a writer and editor specializing in home improvement and gardening. She has written for This Old House, Popular Mechanics, Family Handyman, and other publications. Nora is also the author of two books on greenhouses, The Greenhouse Gardener's Manual and The Complete Guide to Greenhouses & Garden Projects.

Maggie Walmsley

Maggie is a passionate gardener and greenhouse enthusiast. She has been growing plants in greenhouses for over 5 years, and is always happy to share her knowledge and advice with others. When she's not busy writing reviews and how-to guides, Maggie enjoys spending time in her own greenhouse, tending to her plants, and experimenting with new growing techniques.